Thursday, November 19, 2009

Media Issue 1: Facebook makeover leaves some devotees fuming

Many people are unsatisfied with the new face lift of facebook. Facebook authorities claimed that the change was for a good cause which was to protect the users and to make it spam free for the facebook users. The new facebook is much faster and the layout is neater. Many are unhappy with the changes for they feel facebook authorities did not do a good job with the change. Although many disagree with the new facebook, a support representative of facebook states that it takes time to get used to the new design and layout and has a positive feeling that the users will learn how to accept it.

Why do people prefer the old facebook?

Facebook is rapidly taking over the cyber world with more than 100million users. In order to maintain their good image, they have to cater to the needs of the people as well as protecting users from harm such as spamming and hacking. The new design layout allows faster loading and keeps data neat and organized. However there are many that complain regarding the change. News feed was updated every min whereas now, in order to get news feed, you have to click the view news feed tab. This new change provides unnecessary information to users. If the view news feed tab is un-clicked, the news feed keeps piling up.

Caption: Users now have to click on the news feed tab to gain new information on their friends.

However there are advantages to the new facebook. Some of the advantages are, it is faster in speed, spamming reduced, allows to reconnect with old friends as well as make new friends, able to join groups sharing likes and dislikes, and easier way for publicity on events.

In my opinion, facebook went through a face lift because they are trying to cater to the needs of their customers. There is a higher percentage of people that prefer the new facebook compared to the old one.Facebook was created so that people can stay connected which is still their main purpose. Not many people like change hence unable to adapt to the new facelift of facebook. Facebook is neater which is a plus point and is helpful, as according to Nielson (2005), teenagers have short attention span.

Nielson, J 2005, ‘Usability of Websites for Teenagers’, viewed 17 November 2009,
Correspondents in San Francisco | September 11, 2008,24897,24328928-15318,00.html
Findlay,L 2009, Facebook disadvantages, viewed 17 November 2009,
Deogawanka, S, Disadvantages of Facebook, viewed 17 November 2009,
Wadhwa, A, Disadvantages of Facebook, viewed 17 November 2009,

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